yorkshire terrier with bubble on its snoute

Yorkie Crate Training Made Easy: A Safe Space for Your Pup

Crate training is an essential aspect of raising a Yorkie puppy. It provides them with a safe and secure space of their own and helps with potty training, preventing destructive behaviors, and promoting overall well-being. In this article, we will guide you through the process of crate training your Yorkie, making it an easy and positive experience for both you and your furry companion.

1. Choose the Right Crate

The first step in crate training is selecting the right crate for your Yorkie. Choose a crate that is appropriately sized for your puppy, allowing them enough room to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. It’s important not to choose a crate that is too large, as this may encourage your Yorkie to use one corner as a bathroom. Opt for a crate made of sturdy materials and ensure it has proper ventilation and a secure door.

When choosing a crate, consider both the current size of your Yorkie and their anticipated adult size. You can either opt for a crate that accommodates their adult size and use dividers to make it smaller while they are still growing, or you can start with a smaller crate and upgrade as they grow. The crate should feel cozy and den-like, providing a sense of security for your Yorkie.

2. Introduce the Crate Gradually

Introducing the crate gradually is essential to make it a positive and inviting space for your Yorkie. Start by placing the crate in a quiet area of your home where your puppy can still see and hear you. Leave the crate door open and add some soft bedding or a blanket inside. Allow your Yorkie to explore the crate at their own pace, without any pressure.

To encourage your Yorkie to enter the crate, you can place treats, toys, or their favorite blanket inside. Let them investigate and sniff around the crate without closing the door. This will help them associate the crate with positive experiences and create a sense of curiosity and interest.

3. Feeding and Treats Inside the Crate

To further create a positive association with the crate, start feeding your Yorkie their meals near or inside the crate. Begin by placing the food bowl just outside the crate and gradually move it closer to the crate with each meal. Eventually, place the food bowl inside the crate. This helps your puppy associate the crate with a positive and rewarding experience, as they enjoy their meals in a secure and comfortable space.

You can also give your Yorkie treats or chew toys to enjoy inside the crate. Choose treats that are especially enticing to them and reserve them solely for crate time. This will make the crate even more appealing and reinforce the idea that being in the crate leads to enjoyable rewards.

4. Encourage Nap Time in the Crate

Yorkies need plenty of rest, and the crate can become their cozy den for napping. Encourage your puppy to take naps inside the crate by placing a comfortable bed or blanket inside. Make the crate environment calm and peaceful by dimming the lights and playing soft, soothing music or white noise. This creates a relaxing atmosphere that promotes relaxation and sleep.

Initially, you may need to stay near the crate or sit beside it until your Yorkie falls asleep. This provides them with a sense of security and helps them adjust to the crate gradually. As your Yorkie becomes more comfortable with the crate and feels secure inside, you can gradually move away and let them nap independently.

5. Start with Short Crate Time

Once your Yorkie is comfortable entering the crate and spending short periods inside, you can start gradually increasing the duration of crate time. Begin by closing the crate door for a few minutes while you remain in the room. Sit or stand nearby, offering reassurance and a calm presence.

As your Yorkie becomes more accustomed to being in the crate with the door closed, gradually extend the crate time. However, always make sure to provide regular bathroom breaks, exercise, and social interaction outside of the crate. Crate time should be balanced with plenty of opportunities for your Yorkie to stretch their legs, explore, and engage in interactive play with you.

6. Ignore Whining or Barking

During crate training, your Yorkie may whine or bark when they are first placed inside the crate or when they want to be let out. It’s important not to give in to their demands or let them out immediately. Doing so will reinforce the behavior and make crate training more challenging. Instead, it’s important to remain calm and composed.

When your Yorkie whines or barks, it can be tempting to console or comfort them. However, this may send the message that making noise gets them attention and freedom. To prevent this, it’s crucial to ignore the whining or barking and wait for a moment of silence or calmness before opening the crate door. This teaches your puppy that being quiet and calm is the desired behavior that leads to freedom.

7. Use Crate for Potty Training

Crate training and potty training go hand in hand. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area, so the crate can be a valuable tool in housebreaking your Yorkie. When your puppy is inside the crate, their instinct will be to hold their bladder and bowels. This helps them develop bladder and bowel control, leading to fewer accidents in the house.

Establish a consistent schedule for taking your Yorkie outside for bathroom breaks. When you let them out of the crate, immediately take them to their designated potty area. Use a specific command or cue, such as “Go potty,” to associate the act of eliminating with the command. When your Yorkie successfully eliminates outside, reward them with praise, treats, or playtime. This positive reinforcement strengthens the connection between going outside and proper bathroom habits.

8. Make the Crate a Positive Place

To ensure that your Yorkie sees the crate as a positive and inviting space, avoid using it for punishment. The crate should be associated with comfort, security, and positive experiences. Never force your Yorkie into the crate or use it as a means of isolation or reprimand.

Additionally, provide mental stimulation and entertainment for your Yorkie while they are in the crate. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, or stuffed Kong toys filled with treats can keep them occupied and mentally engaged. This prevents boredom and helps create a positive association with the crate.

9. Gradual Independence

As your Yorkie becomes more comfortable and confident in the crate, you can gradually increase their independence. Start by leaving the room for short periods while they are in the crate. Gradually extend the duration of your absence, always returning to provide praise and rewards for their good behavior.

It’s important to note that crate training takes time and patience. Each dog learns at their own pace, so be consistent and understanding throughout the process. If your Yorkie shows signs of anxiety or stress, slow down the training process and provide additional reassurance and support.


Crate training is a valuable tool for providing your Yorkie with a safe and secure space of their own. It helps with potty training, prevents destructive behaviors, and promotes a sense of comfort and security. By following these steps and being patient, consistent, and positive, you can successfully crate train your Yorkie and create a positive association with the crate. Remember, crate training should be a gradual process, tailored to your Yorkie’s needs and personality. With time and effort, your York

ie will come to view their crate as their personal sanctuary—a place they willingly retreat to for rest, relaxation, and comfort.

1 thought on “Yorkie Crate Training Made Easy: A Safe Space for Your Pup”

  1. Pingback: Enroll Your Yorkie in Obedience Classes: Unlock Their Full Potential

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